Dr. Senella Baldwin

School Psychologist


Support Staff

 Native of Colorado              

•  DPS student through and through

  • Oakland Elementary, MLK, Montbello High School


•  Played Sports

  • Basketball – High School & College (UTPA Division 1)
  • Softball – High School
  • Ultimate Frisbee – College (University of Arizona)


  • Watching & Playing Sports

  • Traveling

  • Reading

  • Watching Movies

  • Playing Games 


My commitment to living SHARP is always to hold you to higher expectations so you never fall short of a Scholarship. To praise you when you are Honest and to hold you accountable where you want to take Responsibility. Finally yet importantly, help provide you with tools so you always know you have Perseverance in your veins. 

Why I became a school psychologist has to do with wanting to be there for students who had struggles or confusion in their lives that plays a role in their success in school and career, home and personal life.